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Are Gruvyer chairs good for a small kitchen?

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We received this interesting question on our Amazon listing. I actually hadn't thought about this use before. After messaging a friend of mine that works in the factory in Italy, he pointed out to me that small kitchens are quite common in Italy. Having a chair that stacks makes more room in the kitchen when the chairs are not used. He said as his house they have two chairs at the table and four chairs stacked off to the side in the attached patio. When guests come over, and they come over often in Italy, they just pull the matching Gruvyer chairs to the table.

His comment about the comfort was typical for him. He said that when people come to his house for many hours to eat and to drink. Everyone seems very comfortable to him. However, he pointed out that in his opinion no one would be uncomfortable eating his food and drinking his grappa. I couldn't argue with him, I have done that a number of times over the years.

To more precisely answer the customer's question, I mentioned that I use a Gruvyer chair as my work desk chair. I find it comfortable, especially in the Summer. Because of the spider web design, I think it "breathes" better. I don't get hot on the backs of my legs or on my back if I am working for a number of hours.

I also shared with that customer the actual dimensions of the Gruvyer chair. 

Height: 31.9"

Width: 20.8"

Depth: 20.1"

Height of seat from the floor: 16.9"

The image with this blog is of the Gruvyer chairs in brilliant red along with a white Zavor bistro table.



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