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Get your Vitamin D for Free!

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As the colder months approach, it can be tempting to huddle inside and avoid the chill of winter. However, getting some vitamin D from the sun is important for maintaining a healthy immune system and overall well-being. One way to get your daily dose of vitamin D during the winter is by sitting outside in a chaise lounge sun chair.

I know what you are thinking. It was below 0° here in St. Joseph, Michigan last week. Who would sit outside to get Vitamin D? Well, it is just a few days later and the temperature is up to 50° and the sun is shining. 

There have been lots of articles about whether it is better to get Vitamin D from a supplement or from the sun. Based on my casual research, the vitamin companies feel is it better if they sell you something and the people who don't trust fabricated supplements insist on using natural sunlight. Personally, I don't like processed foods or supplements, so I go with natural light.

So let's say you go with natural light generating vitamin D in your skin by absorbing sunlight. It doesn't cost you anything and you get to enjoy some fresh air also for free. If you are doing this in the Summer, no problem, but in the Winter there are the elements to consider. 

Here are some tips for staying warm and comfortable while sitting outside in the winter:

  1. Dress in layers: Wearing multiple layers of lightweight, warm clothing will help you regulate your body temperature and stay comfortable while sitting outside. Consider wearing thermal leggings or long johns under your pants, a warm sweater or fleece jacket, and a coat or parka to keep the chill out.

  2. Protect your extremities: Your hands, feet, and head are particularly vulnerable to the cold, so it's important to keep them warm. Wear gloves, warm socks, and a hat or earmuffs to protect your hands, feet, and head from the cold.

  3. Bring a blanket: A warm, cozy blanket can make all the difference when sitting outside in the winter. Consider bringing a fleece or wool blanket to wrap yourself in while you soak up the sun.

  4. Stay hydrated: It's important to stay hydrated in the winter, even if you're not as thirsty as you are in the summer. Bring a water bottle with you and take sips regularly to stay hydrated.

  5. Get the right chair: A chaise lounge sun chair is a great option for soaking up the sun in the winter. Look for a chair with a built-in headrest and backrest for added comfort and consider adding a cushion for extra warmth and support.

By following these tips, you'll be able to enjoy the benefits of sitting outside in the winter while staying warm and comfortable. So go ahead, bundle up and soak up some vitamin D from the winter sun!

If you are worried about being bored to death sitting outside soaking the sun, here are some additional tips for what to do while sitting in the sun during the winter:

1. Bring a book or magazine: Sitting outside in the sun is a great opportunity to relax and unwind. Bring along a book or magazine to read while you soak up the sun's rays.

2. Listen to music or a podcast: Put on some headphones and listen to your favorite music or a podcast while you sit outside.

3. Meditate or practice yoga: Take this time to clear your mind and practice some mindfulness. Consider doing some simple meditation or yoga poses while you sit in the sun.

4. Take a break from time to time and take a walk: If you're feeling energetic, bundle up and take a leisurely walk around your neighborhood or a nearby park. The fresh air and sunlight will do you good.

5. Get some work done: If you need to get some work done, consider bringing your laptop or notebook outside and setting up a makeshift office in your chaise lounge sun chair. The natural light and fresh air may help boost your productivity.

6. Listen to some Italian music and dream about being on the Amalfi Coast or use my favorite language app, Memrise, and practice your Italian. 

The only negative for outside sunning to get vitamin D is the risk for skin problems including cancer. So, remember to always use sunscreen and protect your skin from the sun's damaging rays, even in the winter. Enjoy the benefits of sitting outside and getting some vitamin D, while also taking care of yourself and staying safe.

Disclaimer: In case you decide to buy one of our Italian made sun chair chaise loungers, we will make a modest profit and guarantee you that while you are boosting your vitamin D, you will enjoy these Mediterranean chairs and cushions. 


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